
Adele Cornish, BSW

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Is anxiety crippling your child’s life?

Anxiety can be described as a state of intense apprehension or worry.  It is often expressed in the form of physical symptoms. 

We all feel anxious from time to time but for some, anxiety becomes debilitating. Children of divorce or loss are more likely to experience high levels of anxiety which affect them on a physical, psychological and social level to a point that their quality of life is negatively impacted.  This of course has a flow on effect for rest of your blended family so here’s how you can help your children:

Explore your child’s concerns; ask questions and listen to their answers.  Take time to understand how they are thinking and feeling.

Identify their fears; are their concerns real or imagined?  Those imagined can often cause the most anxiety so give ongoing reassurance where necessary.

Provide stability; have a predictable routine so children know what to expect and aren’t left second guessing what will happen next.


I often correspond with parents who are struggling to cope with their child’s over anxious behaviour and need specialist help.  If your child’s (or stepchild’s) anxiety is destroying your family life please click here for invaluable information to transform their behavior:

Click Here!

This is GUARANTEED to improve your child’s anxiety, check it out and let me know how you get on:

Click Here!

Warm regards

Blended Family Advisor