About us

Adele Cornish, BSW

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Adele Cornish is an author, speaker, International Blended Family Relationship Coach, and founder of The Blended Family Success Network. She has utilized her social work background to extensively research and address the unique challenges blended families face. Adele has used this knowledge and her experience to develop a program that currently teaches practical skills and strategies to couples worldwide, equipping them to overcome the common obstacles to blended family success. She has appeared several times on national television (the Good Morning Show and Choice TV) and radio speaking about blended families, authored books, written magazine feature articles and regularly runs seminars on this topic.

Adele is part of a blended family. She is a biological mother of three boys and has been a stepmother of two children for twenty seven years. She is also a step daughter (her father remarried after her mother’s death). She brings wise insight and compassion to this subject based on her personal and professional knowledge and experience.

Adele and her husband Mike regularly run seminars and workshops for couples in a blended family.  They also run training sessions for professionals (counsellors, psychologists etc) who work alongside blended families.

Thousands of families world wide have benefited from Adele’s work. Now you can too!

“I would like to say that your free weekly emails are incredible for our family. I forward the most relevant emails to my husband which he responds to very positively. So thanks, please keep them coming. They are sometimes the lifeline I need in the day.” Carolyn Dautel, Australia

“I really appreciate receiving the weekly tips. It has helped to know that I am not the only one out there dealing with step family problems. Thank you for all of your guidance and advice.” Dea Lott, Idaho Falls, Idaho

View a live television interview with Adele Cornish discussing blended family issues:

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