Archive for August, 2013

Adele Cornish, BSW

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Discipline: Are your children treated unfairly?

In response to last week’s tip I received an email from a mother saying her own children are treated unfairly because they have to abide by the rules and are disciplined while her stepson has no rules or discipline:

“My kids get disciplined by me and my husband. My husband disciplines my kids for things HIS kid does all of the time and he doesn’t discipline his kid for the EXACT same things.  That’s the unfair part – NOT THE SAME RULES APPLY TO EVERYONE in the house.”

If you can relate to this, I’d appreciate your feedback to the following questions:

1.       What do you believe discipline does for children; what is the purpose of boundaries/discipline?

2.       Which child is better off:

A.      One raised with a parent who has firm, fair and consistent boundaries

B.      One raised without boundaries/discipline

3. Based on your response to the questions above, which child is therefore treated unfairly:

A.      One raised with a parent who has firm, fair and consistent boundaries

B.      One raised without boundaries/discipline

Please take one minute to respond below in three sentences maximum. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Warm regards

Adele Cornish

p.s. For more essential skills, advice and strategies on this topic, please click here

30 comments - What do you think?  Posted by Adele - August 13, 2013 at 3:03 pm

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