Archive for December, 2011

Adele Cornish, BSW

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How faithful or committed are you to your relationship?

The thing is, every relationship goes through both good and tough times. Tough times or conflict does not mean you need to throw in the towel but have a plan for working through them. If you don’t, you’ll risk continuing in a succession of failed relationships.

A number of years ago (before I had a blog) I asked for your feedback on a question which relates to this. Now an update is needed and this time you can post your answer for others to read. Here’s the question:

If you don’t “feel” love for your partner, should you stay in the relationship?

Should you let your “feelings” influence your long-term commitment?  Please share your thoughts below!

Warm regards
Adele Cornish BSW
Blended Family Advisor

p.s. You can remain anonymous if you prefer.

p.p.s. If you’re feeling hopeless about your relationship, don’t let everything you’ve worked towards be lost by throwing in the towel. Give your relationship every opporunity to succeed.  Chances are some things will need to change to get it back on track.  I’d love to help you so if you want to find out more please click here

36 comments - What do you think?  Posted by Adele - December 6, 2011 at 12:25 pm

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