Archive for November, 2011

Adele Cornish, BSW

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Gentleness: Does it work?

Ever find yourself tempted to let rip verbally at someone in your blended family?

Have you given into that temptation?

If you’re nodding yes then you and I share something in common.  We think that by ‘ripping in’ they’ll change their attitude or behavior right?  The thing about ripping in is that it seldom effects a long-term change in someone else AND can sabotage our relationship with them.  So is there another way?

Well you could try the opposite approach.  I have and to be honest, it takes self control and I don’t always get it right.  This approach can be summed up in one word; gentleness.

Here are a couple of descriptions of it from

1. Considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender.

2. Not harsh or severe; mild and soft

Gentleness is a trait that gets a lot of bad press. It’s often perceived as a weakness but it’s actually controlled strength. You can be bossy and demanding to get your own way or, use gentle words to make your point.  But does it work?

What’s your experience of using this approach?

Do people respect a gentle word or is a harsh one more effective?  Please place your feedback below.

Warm regards

Adele Cornish

p.s. Thanks for contributing to this blog.  It’s great to both learn from and support each other!

p.p.s. For more indepth advice on blended family struggles please click here

15 comments - What do you think?  Posted by Adele - November 15, 2011 at 3:23 pm

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